A Foundation For Joyful Learning

Young children soak up the world through their five senses. Spring Hill’s beautiful, carefully prepared classrooms are specially designed for this wondrous stage of development. Our primary programs inspire children to understand and delight in world around them, building social-emotional skills and intellectual curiosity for a life-long love of learning.
Spring Hill’s talented, Montessori-credentialed teachers are mentors who guide and support children. Because our student-teacher ratios are low, teachers can observe students carefully and offer the individual attention they need to fulfill their capacities and thrive. Children are free to choose projects and work at their own pace, independently or in groups. They become absorbed in hands-on activities and build meaningful friendships in a nurturing and inspiring environment.
The Spring Hill Primary programs include preschool, TK, and Kindergarten with curricula in practical life, sensorial development, language and reading, mathematics, Spanish, history and geography, physical and life sciences, music, movement, art, and outdoor play. Full-time bilingual teachers are in every classroom.
Full-Day Kindergarten