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Tuition Schedule

Download 2024-25 Tuition Schedule Here Extended Care Cost 2024-2025

Tuition is set in January for the following school year by the Board of Trustees.

Payment Options

  • Pay in full by July 1
  • Ten equal installments
    • The first installment is the deposit, due upon signing
    • The nine remaining installments begin July 1(one-time fee: $50)
    • Installments occur at signing, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, March, and April, (no installment payments occur in February)

Tuition Insurance

Tuition Insurance is required on all contracts except those paid in full at first payment. The Spring Hill School partners with Dewar Insurance for this service.

Questions about tuition, payment options, fees, or tuition insurance? Please contact The Spring Hill School Business Office:

Tuition Assistance

Currently 18% of Spring Hill’s families are benefiting from our school’s tuition assistance program. We partner with a trusted organization—Smart Aid—to offer tuition assistance to our families. Smart Aid is the leading organization that non-profit schools and organizations across the country partner with to help assess a family’s ability to pay school costs. This process promotes objectivity and consistency in the way financial aid decisions are made.

Our admission and tuition assistance decisions do not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity and expression, physical ability, marital status, socioeconomic status, religion, worldview, or other dimensions of human diversity.